Setelah teman-teman mahasiswa mempelajari tentang Dealing with Difficult Sentences: Relationships of Ideas in a Sentence pada sesi 4 ini, silakan diskusikan dengan teman mahasiswa mengenai materi di bawah ini dan kemudian coba Anda berikan argumentasi atau tanggapan pada pertanyaan di bawah ini:
- Describe briefly definition of transition signal at least 2 definitions based on experts!
- How do you determine the explicit and implicit to connect between two sentences?
- What is comparison transition signal? Give 2 exam1. Describe briefly definition of transition signal at least 2 definitions based on expert
1. Describe briefly definition of transition signal at least 2 definitions based on experts!
Transition signals is anything that links one sentence or paragraph to another. For more, he emphasize that nearly every sentence, therefore, is transitional; coherence writing is a constant process of transitioning. (Stott, 1991)
Transitional signals are named as sentence openers. They divided the sentence openers into six types based on its function. They are transitional signals for addition, showing contrast, showing cause and effect, positive condition, negative condition, and providing time order or listing. ( Lynch and Anderson, 2013)
Transitional signals as transitional words and phrases. Even though they named them as words and phrases, they did not differentiate them based on its form; words or phrases, but they divided them based on the functions. (Sherman, 2010)
2. How do you determine the explicit and implicit to connect between two sentences?
"Explicit" means direct or clearly expressed. "Implicit" means implied or expressed indirectly. If the relationship within the sentence is explicit (stated), transition words and phrases will be used. If the relationship within the sentence in implicit (unstated), the reader must infer the relationship.
3. What is comparison transition signal? Give 2 examples in sentences!
The comparison is compare the differences and the similarities between two things or more. The examples of this type that are used to provide similarities are likewise and similarly. While, the example of transitional words and phrases that is used to provide difference is in comparison.
Some common compare transition words include in the same way, in like manner, similarly, in like fashion, by the same token.
Ex :
-Math was hard for me in high school. Likewise, it is hard in college.
-Rock climbing takes much practice and skill. In the same way, learning to write well requires a great deal of practice.
Sumber :
Riddel, D. 2003. Teaching English as a Second Language. London: Hodder
Bill, S. 1991. Write to the Point: And Feel Better About Your Writing. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Transition signals is anything that links one sentence or paragraph to another. For more, he emphasize that nearly every sentence, therefore, is transitional; coherence writing is a constant process of transitioning. (Stott, 1991)
Transitional signals are named as sentence openers. They divided the sentence openers into six types based on its function. They are transitional signals for addition, showing contrast, showing cause and effect, positive condition, negative condition, and providing time order or listing. ( Lynch and Anderson, 2013)
Transitional signals as transitional words and phrases. Even though they named them as words and phrases, they did not differentiate them based on its form; words or phrases, but they divided them based on the functions. (Sherman, 2010)
2. How do you determine the explicit and implicit to connect between two sentences?
"Explicit" means direct or clearly expressed. "Implicit" means implied or expressed indirectly. If the relationship within the sentence is explicit (stated), transition words and phrases will be used. If the relationship within the sentence in implicit (unstated), the reader must infer the relationship.
3. What is comparison transition signal? Give 2 examples in sentences!
The comparison is compare the differences and the similarities between two things or more. The examples of this type that are used to provide similarities are likewise and similarly. While, the example of transitional words and phrases that is used to provide difference is in comparison.
Some common compare transition words include in the same way, in like manner, similarly, in like fashion, by the same token.
Ex :
-Math was hard for me in high school. Likewise, it is hard in college.
-Rock climbing takes much practice and skill. In the same way, learning to write well requires a great deal of practice.
Sumber :
Riddel, D. 2003. Teaching English as a Second Language. London: Hodder
Bill, S. 1991. Write to the Point: And Feel Better About Your Writing. New York:
Columbia University Press.
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