Hello rekan-rekan mahasiswa,
Setelah saudara mahasiswa mempelajari tentang Previewing And Predicting, Skimming And Scanning ini, silakan berdiskusi dengan teman Anda mengenai materi di bawah ini dan kemudian coba Anda berikan argumentasi atau tanggapan pada pertanyaan di bawah ini:
1. What is pre-reading activities?
2. What is Skimming? (Give the example of skimming)
3. What is scanning? (Give the example of scanning)
1. Pre-reading activities are methods or procedures readers may use to gain better understanding of what they are reading. Pre-reading activities, prepare for better comprehension by making them familiar with the topic, vocabulary, or structures that may come across in the text. The goals of pre-reading stage are to activate or build knowledge of the subject, to provide any language preparation that might be needed for coping with the pessage, and to motivate the learners to want to read the text”.
2. Skimming is technique used to quickly the main ideas of the text. Steps in skimming is read the title, read the introduction or the first paragraph, read the first sentence of every other paragraph, read any headings and sub-headings, read the summary or last paragraph.
Example :
-When going to take an exam, we usually skim through the book or material that will be tested at a glance, so that we remember what we have learned.
-When reading a novel, I usually do skimming technique, so I can get the gist of the story, without reading all of the text in the novel.
3. Scanning is a technique often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. Search for key words or ideas. Steps in Scanning are, state the specific information are looking for,try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues might use to help locate the answer.
Example :
-Look for a red date on the calendar.
-Finding our own seats in the classroom layout during exams
Sumber :
Putra, Eka. 2015. Pre-Reading Activities in English Class at Islamic Senior High School. Jurnal Indonesia. Vol.3 p.1
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